I woke up to thunder and rain this morning so I decided to stay one more day in Dunkirk. It was a day that I really needed. Even though I stayed in one town, I walked at least 10 miles. The nearest restaurant was 1.8 miles away and I walked there and back two times. I went to Demetrys. Really good home style food and great service. I ate there three times in the last two days!
I walked the boardwalk and checked out the little shops. I went to the Dunkirk lighthouse and checked that out and walked around this little park and down to the beach. I walked barefoot in the sand and stuck my toes in the surf. Anyone who knows me knows that water and sand are amazing therapy for me. My spirit felt at peace. It was something I really need since I have to face the fact that my money has run out and I will have to come home by this weekend. I was hoping the article in the UB Reporter would help with some donations and I had some funding that was promised fall through. I have always said that God would let me know it was time to come home when the money ran out. I know there is still time for God to do something miraculous. If not, then maybe I have accomplished all He wanted me to on this trip. I am trusting Him either way, but I had hoped to do more.
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